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Building Stronger Communities: Spotlight on Sunrise Engineering’s Community Development Service Center

Welcome to Sunrise Engineering’s Community Development Service Center!

At Sunrise Engineering, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional services that help our communities thrive. We’re excited to spotlight our Community Development service center, which officially became a service center in January 2023. Our Community Development team, split into two dynamic divisions—Land Use Planning and Public Involvement—has seen remarkable growth in projects and portfolios, and we’re eager to share some of our latest achievements with you.


Meet Our Growing Planning Team

Our Planning team consists of three dedicated full-time land use planners strategically located throughout the state. We’re thrilled to welcome Ryker Steglich, previously a planner in Toquerville, who brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to our team.

A standout project from our Planning team is the recently completed Oquirrh Mountain Trails Plan for Tooele County. This project began as a traditional trail inventory and recommendation initiative but evolved significantly when we discovered that many trails were unsanctioned and traversed private property without permission. By collaborating closely with the county, we developed a comprehensive plan with clear steps to establish legal trails. This plan, adopted by the County Commission in April, promises to benefit the community for years to come while respecting the rights of property owners.

Additionally, our Planning team is heavily engaged in updating Subdivision Codes for over 20 cities and towns across Utah, ensuring compliance with new state requirements. Thanks to our strong relationships and proven expertise, Sunrise Engineering was the highest-ranked consultant in this field, securing numerous contracts.


Spotlight on Our Public Involvement Team

Our Public Involvement (PI) team has grown exponentially from the days when it was just Jeff Putzke. Now, with the addition of Savannah Hansen, and seasonal support from Shaylie, Michelle, Lesli, and Rachel, we’re able to handle the busiest construction seasons with ease.

Our PI team has been buzzing with activity, taking on significant projects that promise a statewide impact. Notably, we’re providing PI support for the new Utah Raptor State Park, assisting with the creation of its new entrance, and the new Energy Corridor. These projects will significantly benefit the local areas and beyond.

We continue to serve our municipal clients with dedication, recently managing LCRR outreach for the City of Ogden. Our PI services add immense value to infrastructure projects by ensuring that quality information reaches impacted residents, handling communications for city councils and mayors, and ensuring timely stakeholder notifications. We also offer photography, website development, GIS mapping of work areas, hotlines, and meeting facilitation.


Looking Ahead: Integrating Expertise and Expanding Services

As our Community Development team solidifies its foundation, we’re looking forward to integrating our expertise into existing and new Sunrise services for our clients. We’re exploring exciting possibilities, such as providing PI and land use analysis for Transportation Master Plans and creating comprehensive packages for communities. These packages might include GIS resources, economic development insights from our partners, land use planning, and public involvement strategies to support the growth throughout the Intermountain West.

At Sunrise Engineering, our Community Development service center is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the communities we serve. We’re excited about the future and the new opportunities it holds. Thank you for being part of our journey as we continue to grow and innovate.


Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from our dedicated teams!