Experience • Drainage/Flood Control

Sky Wash Flood Retarding Structure DCR

  • Client City of Buckeye

  • Location Buckeye Arizona

  • Services Hydrology Models

Project Highlights

  • Collaborated with private stakeholders, the Town of Buckeye and the Flood Control District of Maricopa County

  • Implemented a regional solution for the Sky Wash Drainage Area Apex

  • Geographic location of the Apex is at the head of an active alluvial fan drainage Rendered significant portions of downstream area undevelopable and within FEMA Flood Zone

  • Extensive hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to design a detention structure and channel, and provide a preliminary CLOMR for the area

  • With detention structure in place, flows leaving the Apex will be significantly decreased and contained within the proposed channel

  • The channel conveys the reduced flow into the impoundment area of the I-10 Flood Retarding Structure