Experience • Training Services

1,000s Trainings Completed
Training Services • About Us
Sunrise Training Services began performing training and qualifications for natural gas companies in 1996. Our first customer was Southwest Gas Corporation (SWG), where they performed plastic and steel pipe joining qualifications. Until then, most re-qualifications and training had been done in-house by SWG, as was the case with most natural gas utilities. This partnership continued to expand over the next several years and was such a success, that Sunrise was invited to expand their services to include design and project inspection for SWG.
With the arrival of the federal mandate known as “Operator Qualifications” in 2001, came enhanced requirements for ensuring employees of natural gas companies were properly trained and qualified to perform tasks on pipelines. This rule provided additional opportunities for Sunrise to expand their current training and qualifications to contractors performing work for not only SWG, but other gas companies.
Over the years Sunrise continued to expand their territory to areas of Arizona, Nevada, Washington, California, Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah for companies such as Pacific Gas and Electric, Cascade Natural, SoCal Gas, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Dominion Energy.
In addition to performing training and evaluations services to the above companies and their respective contractors, Sunrise expanded training and qualifications to municipalities and companies falling under state jurisdictions, such as master meter customers, large mechanical and plumbing companies, and pipeline projects inspected and approved by various state utility commissions.
Today, Sunrise provides training and evaluations, consultation for OQ programs, development and customization of training, and turn-key oversight including inspection, design, engineering, GIS, and project management. Currently Sunrise Training Services has 20 Training Specialists/Evaluators with over 400 years combined experience ready to assist you with your needs, whether it be training, evaluations, or any other service.