Experience • Drainage/Flood Control
Kanab Flood Retarding Structure
Client Kanab City
Location Kanab, Utah
Services FloodPlain Management
Project Highlights
Completed a floodplain management project.
The City was in need of a detention basin to attenuate flooding events and direct the 100-year floodplain to a channel.
Protected downstream development of private properties.
Completed the watershed hydrologic modeling, detention dam design, State of Utah Dam Safety coordination and approvals, hydraulic modeling (flood routing), dam break analysis, and inundation mapping.
A CLOMR and LOMR were also prepared and submitted to FEMA.
Since the improvements have been constructed, two significant flooding events have taken place.
During the events, the dam and detention basin, and channel directly downstream of the dam functioned as designed and the homes constructed directly downstream within the previous 100-year floodplain were protected from severe flooding damage.